
Using the invoice template

You can create your own invoice style using the invoice template.
1. Locate the sample template normally you should find them in “C:\..\Documents\Reservation\Templates”
1. Edit the sample template to you own preference
2. Open configuration / invoice tab
3. Tick the “Us MS word template” and the “display template selection
dialog” check box
4. When creating the invoice for the first time you will need to locate the
template file.
5. Using the MS word template make sure to close the invoice file created if
not you will be prevented to create another invoice.
You will need to have MS word installed on your computer if this is note the case please use the RTF file template

2 Responses to “Using the invoice template”

  1. Sokleng 05/01/2011 at 3:46 am #

    No room number on the invoice.

    Note: I use MS word template.

    Please advise…

    • admin 12/01/2011 at 2:06 am #

      You can use <<RoomNumber>> merge field to add the room number

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