1. Total of room type have been increased from 8 to 16 and reports have been altered to accommodate the 16 room types.
Archive | Updates
RSS feed for this sectionUpdate 29-May-2013
1. The option to enter room maintenance and generate maintenance report have been added
Update 27-March-2013
1. The SiteMinder interface for online / web reservation Pilot stage has now been completed and is ready for use. 2. The “Sales by type”, “Sales and Tax” plus “Income by category” reports can now be generated by room type. 3. The option to reset screen setiing have been added.
Update 27-February-2013
1. A new tab has been added to the main window of the program “Available rooms” this tab will display all the rooms which are available on a certain day. A new reservation can be made from this tab a well. 2. Occupancy report now has the option to generate a report on slected room […]
Update 19-February-2013
1. The import data function improved to accommodate field enclosed in quotation marks. 2. Bug fix, selected reservation kepth moving with cursor.
Update 25-January-2013
1. The option to enter room information which can also be used to complete the confirmation letters. 2. Guest search can now be done on the phone number field.
Update 11-January-2013
A Quick guest entry has been added to the program, this option will allow user to enter the guest name and address direct from the reservation dialog rather than from the guest detail dialog. Entering full guest details can still be done at a later stage.
Update 6-January-2013
1. The option to add owners to a room has been added, this will allow you to create reports in situation where multiple owners are involved. 2. The option to save the booking sheet as a bitmap file which provide you the option to view your booking sheet on any device that can read a […]
Update 27-December-2012
1. Both single and double rates are now available in your daily rates table. 2. A bold grid line is now separating each month on the booking sheet 3. The guest dialog now start with first and last name rather than company 4. You can adjust the grid size direct from your booking sheet, click […]
Update 25-November-2012
1. Tab sequence in dialog boxes corrected 2. It is now possible to automatically import to CVS file into invoices this provide the option to import PABX data and POS data if required 3. You can now calculate the room cost using Price room option without opening the invoice