1. The option to enter a travel agent commission amount, which will then be used to calculate commission and reported on the travel agent reports.
Update 8-March-2012
1. The option to select individual rooms when creating the Occupancy and some other reports.
Update 10-February-2012
1. The select room type option now has the additional option to show a room type selection bar with user selectable headings. This option simplify the selecting between room type. 2. For new trial user there is an additional menu to delete the sample data create at the start.
Update 30-January-2012
1. Pay multiple invoice option have been added. This option allows you to receive payments for more than one invoice at the time. 2. *.docx Microsoft document format have been added to the selection of templates
Update 7-January-2012
Booked in by information now include the time a reservation is made.
Update 15-November-2011
Group by company name added as a sort option to “Income by category” report
Update 7-October-2011
1. The option to load standard notes into a new reservation. These notes could be added from a text file on a case by case basis or be loaded by default. 2. The option to print out the reservation details.
Update 21-September-2011
1. When a guest invoice is fully paid user where prevented from accepting further payments, this has been change so user has the option to continue or not. 2. The room number field is a alpha numeric field this has resulted that the ordering by room numbers reflect alpha numeric entries rather than numbers. This […]
Update 31-August-2011
1. An audit trail has been added, the user have the option to activate the audit trail and for how long the audit trail is to be maintained. 2. An option has been added so user can use the holiday function to highlight a certain period on the calendar and still have the Saturdays and […]
Update 20-August-2011
1. You can now select up to 5 invoice template. These selection are stored and can be selected from the drop down combo box. 2. The purge command now include the option to select individual records so you can purge data selectively. (This option is available in the pro version only)