The following feature have been added to the program 1. Checked out guest, now can shows a circle indicating the original guarantee, Set from configuration / screen settings. 2. Cut and paste should be available in all dialog boxes. 3. Five of the last template used are stored, So you can use multiple templates. Select […]
Archive by Author
Send invoice as email attachment
A new feature has been added to the pro version. This feature provides the user the option to send an email using a template and attached the invoice as a PDF file. Create an invoice as normal then click the email button then from the dialog locate the email template. Once the template has been […]
I have lost, can not locate a reservation
In some case you may have edited a reservation and after making changes it seems that you have lost the reservation. Although the booking sheet is used by most users, the Occupancy tab is the place to look for reservation in case the user made a mistake as on this tab all reservation entered in […]
Running the program on a network / multiuser
The software package can operate in a multi user environment (Please note that you will have to purchase a licence for each computer) The multi user function is enabled on the demo version, yet it is disabled on the full version. If you have already purchase the program and want to try out the multi […]
Using the invoice template
You can create your own invoice style using the invoice template. 1. Locate the sample template normally you should find them in “C:\..\Documents\Reservation\Templates” 1. Edit the sample template to you own preference 2. Open configuration / invoice tab 3. Tick the “Us MS word template” and the “display template selection dialog” check box 4. When […]
Changing the “Tax invoice” heading
In some case you may want to change the wording “Tax invoice” to say “Invoice” how can this be done 1. Select configuration from the file menu then the preference tab. 2. Click the edit button next to “edit language file” 3. From the edit language dialog select the first letter staring with the letter […]
What to do if your computer crash
As a Motel / Hotel operator it is up most important that you have your system up and running at all times. Unfortunately computers do crash. So what can you do. 1. Always make a backups of your data best to maintain say a 7 day rotation in this case you will be more protected […]
Occupancy level showing incorrect information
In some cases it may happen that the occupancy levels are showing incorrect information. As the occupancy levels are adjusted every time a change is made the levels could sometimes be affected (an interuption, computer reset during editing a reservation for instance) From the file menu you will find the option to recalculate the occupancy […]
Grid reservation display option
Reservations are displayed from the start of arrival date to the departure date. There are two options to how reservations are displayed. 1. From the start of arrival date to the departure date 2. From the start of the arrival date and time to the departure date and time These setting can be change from […]
Changing the currency symbol
The program uses windows default currency symbol, so to change the currency symbol you will have to change it from windows. 1. Click the start button the from the menu select “control panel”. 2. From the clasic menu select “Regional and Language options”. 3. From the format tab click “Change this format” this will open […]